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Led by insight driven strategy. Driven by purposeful creativity.
Led by insight driven strategy. Driven by purposeful creativity.

About Us

A challenger agency. Here to unlock a brand’s unique ability and accelerate it.
A challenger agency. Here to unlock a brand’s unique ability and accelerate it.

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Contact us today to discuss how we can help transform your business and elevate your brand to the next level.
Contact us today to discuss how we can help transform your business and elevate your brand to the next level.

Helping women feel good and stay well.

BreastScreen Victoria aims to reduce the impact of breast cancer through early detection. Yet screening numbers were falling as women believed the procedure was unpleasant and without benefit.

Sector —

We helped create —
Print Communications, Strategy, Social Communications, Infographics

The Solution —

We found that much communication about cancer tried to scare people into action. But instead it was frightening them away. We took a fresh approach designed to remove the fear of cancer testing while putting a smile on women's faces.

The Solution —

We found that much communication about cancer tried to scare people into action. But instead it was frightening them away. We took a fresh approach designed to remove the fear of cancer testing while putting a smile on women's faces.

The Solution —

We found that much communication about cancer tried to scare people into action. But instead it was frightening them away. We took a fresh approach designed to remove the fear of cancer testing while putting a smile on women's faces.

The Campaign

Stage 1

Creating Awareness
We start by creating, talking points and getting brestScreen Victoria on people's radar.

Stage 2

A new movement
Creating a movement that will help women engage with BrestScreen Victoria and increase chances of getting screened.